Wednesday, 22 December 2010


The interview procedure will consist of following three rounds:

       1) Written Test
       2) Technical Interview Round
       3) HR Interview Round

       1) Written Tes

       The Written test consists of 100 questions and the duration is 60 minutes.There are no        negative marks.

       The test paper divided into 6 sections:                   

       a) Logical Reasoning

       b) Verbal Reasoning

       c) Quantitative

       d) English-1

       e) English-2

       f) English-3
       Questions in this section can be of various types like blood relations,analogies in is        alphabets, numerical series. Refer R.S. Aggarwal verbal and non verbal reasoning.

       In Quantitative section questions are allegation and mixture, clock, SI and CI, time        and work, time and distance problems on train, partnership problem. Refer R.S        Aggarwal in this section.

       In English-1: Synonyms, antonyms
       English-2: General grammar refers wren & martin.
       English-3: Two simple reading comprehensions of 10th and intermediate standard.

       2) Technical Interview Round

       The technical part of the aptitude test paper is same for all disciplines of engineering        questions.

       For the technical interview round they mostly ask questions about your area of        specialization. If you have an IT background they may ask questions from basic        c++, Java, So

Lakshmi’s Interview Experience @ ValueLabs as Fresher

Dear Sir,
              I have written value labs this test on 18th Dec,2010.This test was conducted in      ValueLabs, Madhapur. They have conducted this test for the post of entry level engin      eer.For this test, a total of approximately 2000 members have attended.Written test      comprised of 20 questions. Some have options A,B,C,D,E,F.  Some have single word      answers. and some need explanation.Exam pattern is 5 questions on reasoning,
     5 questions on arithmetic, 10 questions on C programming.

          I am giving some of the questions asked in written test in C           programming

          int c[]={2.8,3.4,4,6.7,5};
          int j,*p=c,*q=c;
          ANS: 2222223645
          2. main()
          Struct xx
          int x=3;
          char name[]=”hello”;
          Struct xx *s;
          ANS :Compiler error
          3.void main()
          Static int i=i++,j=j++,k=k++;
          ANS: 111
          4. write a program to add 1&1 without using + operator
          5. main()
          int c[]={2,4,6,7,8},*p;
          6. How can u return multiple values in C language.
          int a[2][3][2]={{{2,4}{7,8}{3,4}}{{2,2}{2,3}{3,4}}};
          ANS: 100,100,100,2
          8. One question given from algorithm find the output.
          9. one question given from datastructures
          10. one question given from Pointers.

Monday, 20 December 2010

ORACLE Written Test info for Freshers

Hi Friends
          Oracle has conducted online aptitude exam on 18 December 2010.
          TEST CONDUTED BY : PAC (Professional Aptitude Counsel) ONLINE
          Only students who have greater (>70%) are eligible for the Aptitude exam:
          The test consists of three sections:
          1) APTITUDE - 30 Questions 30 Min
          2) GENERAL COMPUTER SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE - 20 Questions 20 Mins
          3) CODE SKILLS - 15 Qusetions 40 Mins
          Aptitude Questions :
          Some of them i remember are not exactly
          1) A person sell an item at 100 Rs. with 15% profit find C.P.
          2) Average of batsman is 34.If in next innings he scored 119 runs and his average is               37.Find the no. of innings played. Certain other problems like on population, etc.
          3) A train leaves a station at 9.00 p.m. Another train leaves same station at 10.00               p.m. first train runs at 35 kmph and Second train crosses the first train in 4 hours.               Find the speed of the second train.
          4) A two digit no. is 20 greater than no. form on reversing the two digits no. Find the               two digit no.
          5) Today is 14th April and day after tomorrow is Wednesday. What will the last day               of the month?
          6) A do a work in x days and B in y days. Starting from A, they worked for alternate               days. In how many days the work will be completed.
         1) Which of the following requires a recursive solution (or equavalent use of the              stack).
         A) Factorial function
         B) Lookup in a sorted binary tree
         1) JUST 1          2) JUST 2          3) BOTH           4) NEITHER
         2) Decimal value of bitwise or of 96,48,24,8
         A) 0           B) 64           C) 120          D) 176
         not excatly the same but some thing of that sort
         3) Program uses a stack to visit each of the nodes of a binary tree starting at its root               after a node is visited its children are added to stack in what order do the node of               the tree in the followin diag:
         A-B,C (means A is the root and B, C are its children )
         1) A B C D E F G H I J
         2) A B D H I E C F G J
         3) H I D E B F J G C A
         4) H D I B E A F C J G
         This question is there in data structures by Yaswanth Kanitkar.
         4) Which is the regular expression matches string and only those strings that               represent decimal numbers meeting the following R.E
         1) .[0-9].[0-9]+
         2) -?[0-9].0-9[0-9]
         3) -?[0-9]*.[0-9]+
         5) A Data Base trigger executes in resopnse to DBMS QUESTION?
         6) A stored procedure in a DBMS is
         7) PSUEDO CODE question :
         find the output of the program
         GLOBLAL N=0;
         LOCAL N =20;
         FOR EACH(COL,FN2);
         RETURN N
         some thing like that
         8) A field of a data object in a multi threaded program can be read from
         9) How two processes of different system communicate
         Shared Memory
         Remote Procedure Call
         10) Question on evaluation of expression
         11) Question on C++ classes and inheritance
         12) DATASTRUCTURES questions
         15 question were given and in 40 mins we have solve
          @@@ LEFT,RIGHT;
         what type should replace @@@
         NODE LEFT,RIGHT ;
         What constructors should internal node have according to the specification for the tree          structures
         Some thing that sort of questions
         Like that there were 15 questions
         All what I want to say is if ur cool and 100% good at Data Structures, you can easily          clear the code section in 40 min.
                  ALL THE BEST GUYS

Monday, 6 December 2010

Mu-sigma Written Test Information for Freshers

 Hi Friends ,
            This is Srinivasarao Singamaneni . I have attended for Mu-Sigma written test on 4th         December 2010 at Geethanjali College of Engineering & Technology, Cheeryal, (M)         Keesara, Hyderabad?
        The Eligibility for the Recruitment process : 2009/2010 Passed outs of B.Tech from
        CSE / IT / ETC / EEE / E&I /Instrumentation /Mechanical /Civil/ Metallurgy with 60%         through out career (SSC ToB.Tech) .

        For this test, a total of approximately 3600 members have attended .
        The Selection Process contains 3 rounds
               1 .Written Test
               2. GD
               3. Technical & HR
        The written test is a paper based test. It contains total 20 questions and the time         is 20 min. Negative marking is there.
              It contains ,
              1-10Q . Aptitude Questions
              11-15Q. Vocabulary Questions
              16-20Q . Reasoning
          Aptitude Questions:
              The topics covered in this section :
              Time and distances on Trains ……..2Q
              Time and work..…… 2Q
              Ages…… 1Q
              Permutations … 1Q
              Profits& loses… 1Q
              Seating order …. 1Q
         Some of them i remember are not exactly
            1.P and Q can complete a job in 20 and 30 days respectively. P started it and after                10 days , Q joined . in how many days will they complete the  remaining work .
               Ans : 6 days  
            2.pipe A can fill an empty tank in 9 hours . pipe B can fill the tank in 15 hours if                both pipes are opened simultaneously when the tank is empty . find the time                taken to fill the tank.
               Ans : 27 H  
            3.There is a cube in which one pair of opposite faces is painted Red the second                pair of opposite faces is Blue and third pair of opposite faces is painted Green                This cube is now cutted into 216 smaller but identical cubes. How many small                cubes are without any face painted .
               Ans: 64
            4.P, Q, R , S , T sit around a table . T is to the immediate right of p. Q and R on                either side of S . Who sits b/w R and T .
               Ans : P
            5.Find the time taken by a train , 100km long traveling at a speed of 63 kmph to                cross a platform of length 250 Km.
               Ans : 20 sec
            6.Find the time taken by a 200m long train running at 36kmph to cross a boy                standing on a platform
               Ans : 20 sec
            11-15Q. Vocabulary Questions
           Each Question contain a passage with 5 to 6 lines and Different types of questions            for each passage like.
           What is the summary of the passage The appropriate statement for the passage
           The inappropriate statement for the passage

           It contain one Diagram followed with 5 questions .
           First , we must understand the diagram . The diagram with the specified data can            understand even an SSC student also.We can get full marks in this section.Simple            calculations for the questions with the specified data .
           There is negative marking . That’s why I didn’t attempt all the Questions
           I attended 7Q from Aptitude,3Q from vocabulary and 5Q from the Diagram.            Totally I attempted 15Q from the 20Q .
           I Cleared the written test . But I did not Know the cutoff marks .Its compulsory to            attempt some questions from all the Sections,because sometimes they will consi-
           der the sectional cutoffs also. Some times The accuracy 100% ( all the attempted            Questions must be correct)also important so be confident .

           So guys crack the Exam with peaceful mind without any tensions . There is no            typical and no time taking questions for the Mu_sigma written test .
                                          All the Best……

Thursday, 4 November 2010

MAHITI Solutions’s Interview Questions for Fresher in Bangalore

Interview Question in java
         1.Write program in java to check whether the given number is perfect number or not
         2.Write Program in java to convert the decimal number to binary number form?
     Aptitude Questions:
         (A) Write the largest largest possible number Which can use only two Number, just          number
     Verbal reasoning
         Someone Introduce you at Party has a mother sister husband. Sister-in-law, there no          brother
     General Question
         Which is largest Mountain before Mountain Everst?

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Mahaboob Basha Interview experience@Virtusa with 2+ years experience in "Virtusa"

   Dear Sir,
          This is Mahaboob Basha, I attended scjp and scwcd classes. I got the offer in Virtusa      on 25th Oct, 2010. So I Really Thanks to Durga sir and Nagoor Babu Sir. based on your      guidence i got this offer and in IBM also.
          Interview Process in Virtusa is ....
          First they conducted the Written Test Round after that Technical Round after they      conducted Project Manager Round, after they conducted HR Round.
          About the Written Test
         In written test they gave the question paper consisting of 20 questions in which about      10-12questions are on core java. 2-3 questions on servlets and 2-3questions on jsps and      1-2 questions on struts and 1question on spring. In this round I got around 19marks and      16 marks is the cut off. And I could remember some of the questions
          1. A Thread object has a method called notify(). (true/false)
          2. Which kind of ActionForm doesn't need to implement setter and getter methods by               developer?
          3. In Struts, which of the following best maps to the "front controller"?
          4. One question on Hash Map
          5. One question on Hash Set
          6. Around 3-4 questions on programs of core java which are very easy.
          7. one question on the directory structure of jar file.
         About my Technical Round.........
         In technical Round the interviewer took me the interview for 2hours first he asked to
     me first tell me about myself and after that he asked me about the project and then he      started to ask me questions on Core Java.If we are very good at in core java then they      asked simple questions on J2EE.And then he will ask only Struts Flow in struts.If we are      average in core java on that time they asked some what difficult questions on J2EE.So      they mainly Concentration on Core Java.

         sir, here i list out some Questions i faced in My Interview.
         1.What are the oops concepts and explain them?
         2.What is mean by Polymorphism and what is the difference between static and             dynamic polymorphism?
         3.They he asked about the overriding and method hiding?
         4.What is mean by singleton class and can u write a program?
         5.Difference between Interface and Abstract Class and where did u used interface in             your project?
         6.Which version of java we are using in your project? and what are the features in 1.5             version?
         7.What is Exception? Difference between Exception and Error?
         8.What is mean by checked and unchecked Exceptions?
         9.He asked me about Try, Catch and Finally and he asked different control flow of              try..catch,try..catch…finally type questions?
         10.Difference between final,finally,finalize?
         11.Explain about Thread life cycle?
         12.What is the Difference between Notify and NotifyAll methods?
         13.What is Synchronization?
         14.What is mean by collection frame work and explain the complete hierarchy?
         15.What is difference between Array List and Vector?
         16.In ur project where did u used the Array List?
         17.Differnce between Comparator and comparable?
         18.Difference between Hash Map and Hashtable?
         19.Can u explain about the Stack?
         20.Can u tell me something about the collections?
         21.Tell me something about Enumeration, Iterator and list Iterator?
         22.What is the difference String and StringBuffer and StringBuilder?
         23.What is mean by immutability?
         After these he come to the J2EE
         1) Can you write the code for Connecting the database using JDBC?
         2) What is Connection pooling mechanism? How we can implement?
         3) Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement?
         4) What is Callable Statement and can u write program for that?
         5) What is Servlet Life Cycle?
         6) What is the difference between Forward and include Mechanisms?
         7) What is the difference between Forward and SendRedirect Mechanisms?
         8) What is the difference between Servlet Config and servlet Context?
         9) What are the Implicit objects in jsp?
         10) How we can Handle the Exceptions in Jsp?
         11) What are the scopes in jsp ?
         While coming to Struts
         1) Explain Struts Flow?
         2) What are the features of struts 1.3.x version?
         3) What are the Actions are available in Struts?
         4) What is the difference between DispatchAction and LookupDispatchAction?
         5) What is Switchaction and where did used in your project?
         6) What are the parameters used in the ActionForward execute()?
         7) What is Singleton Design Pattern? can you write some code about this?
         8) Which Tags are there in Struts-config.xml file?
         9) Can explain about the validations and in your project where did u used the               validations?
         While Coming to PROJECT MANAGER ROUND
         1) Explain about your project?
         2) How many Modules are there in your project?
         3) What's your Role and Responsibilities?
         4) How big is your Team Size?
         5) Tell me Some Exceptions you faced in your project?
         6) Which type of Complexity code you written in your project
         7) Which type of validations you done in your Project?
         8) Have you helped your team member in your project?
         9) If anything dispute arises between your college and you then how will u handle               that?
         10) If anything dispute arises in your work and personal work then how will u handle               it?
         While Coming to Hr Round
         1.Can u tell about yourself and your experience?
         2.What is the package you are excepted?
         3.What’s your strength and weakness?
         4.When will u join the company?
         Once again I Sincerely Thanks to Durga sir, Nagoor Babu Sir.
Yours Mahaboob Basha

Monday, 12 April 2010

T C S Interview Questions by Mr.Nagaraju (27-3-2010) with 3+ years Java Experience.

   1. Tell me about your Second project and draw its architecture?
           2. Explain about Oops?
           3. Encapsulation is keyword or class or interface?
           4. How many ways are possible to create a Thread ? which way is better?  
           5. Explain about Servlets? what are the life cycle methods explain?
           6. Among Servlets and JSPs which is better? Where JSP Technology is best suitable.
           7. Tell me about jsp Elements?
           8. What is difference b/w scriptlet and declaration?
           9. Explain about struts flow?
         10. What are Action classes available in struts?
         11. What is DispatchAction? where did you use in your project? where it configure               write code?
         12. How to write form bean tags in your struts-configuration file?
         13. I have 4 action classes i want get second action class how can i get it? where are               you configure? can u write code ?
         14. Explain about SingleThreadModel in servlets?
         15. Explain about collection overview?
         16. What is difference b/w HashMap and Hashtable?
         17. What is differance b/w ArrayList and Vector?
         18. What are methods available in Collection interface?
         19. What is serialization? How can you achieve it?where you used in your project?
         20. What is Marker interface?
         21. How can you achieve encapsulation your project?
         22. Explain about Spring?
         23. What is difference b/w Arrays and Collections?

Friday, 2 April 2010

SOCIETE GENERALE Interview Questions by Mr.Nagaraju(20-3-2010) with 3+ years Java Experiance

 1. Is it possible to override service() method in Servlet?
                              2. Can we override execute() method in Struts?
                              3. Explain about Hibernate mappings?
                              4. How can you increase connection pool-size in web logic?
                              5. Explain differences between yield() and join() methods ?

Virtusa Interview Questions by Mr.Nagaraju (27-3-2010) with 3+ years Java Experience.

1. What is the Hibernate? What are files we have requires doing a hibernate               application?
          2. Explain about Hibernate Architecture?
          3. Explain your project flow? What technologies used in your previous project?
          4. Explain about Spring Framework features?
          5. How do you configure using spring mvc with DAO class?
          6. What is Abstraction, inheritance polymorphism?
          7. What are Checked vs Unchecked Exceptions?
          8. What is AutoBoxing and AutoUnboxing ? Can you Explain with real time example?
          9. Explain differences between Abstract class vs interface?
         10. Explain differences between HashMap and Hashtable?
         11. try{ some code }
               catch(Exception e) { some code }
               finally{ some code }
               which one is optional?
         12. try{ some code; system.exit(0); }
               Catch(Exception e){ Some code }
               finally{ some code }
               what will happen?
         13. What is the difference b/w extends Thread class and implements Runnable               interface?
         14. Explain about Servlet life cycle ?
         15. How to include one jsp into anther jsp? Which tag we can use for this purpose ?
         16. Explain about Struts?
         17. Explain Singleton Design pattern?
         18. How to connect more than one database in Hibernate?
         19. I want change my database from Oracle to MySQL in hibernate. Which               configuration changes are required and which classes we have to use?
         20. Which tools you used in project?
         21. What are version control tools used in your project? Explain about check-in and               check-out?
         22. What is your team size?
         23. How to build modules in your project? Are you used any tool for this?
         24. What is Sax parser and Dom parser?