Wednesday 1 June 2011


       It consists of three rounds:
                Written test
                Technical interview
                HR Interview

       Written Test consists of 6 sections. It was an online based test of 1hr which consists of        100 questions and no negative marking.

        The sections are as follows:

                1) Quantitative Ability
                2) Reasoning verbal
                3) Reasoning Non verbal
                4) English-1
                5) English-2
                6) English-3

       Quantitative ability consists of the questions mostly from following models: Ratio        proportions, simple interest and compound interest, allegation mixtures etc…

       Reasoning sections covered all the models like calendars, blood relations, coding        decoding, Image based problems etc…

       English-1 consists of 3 passages in which one is very easy and other 2 are moderate        levels.

       English-2 consists of synonyms and antonyms

       English-3consists of fill in the blanks with appropriate words. It is all based on general        grammar like prepositions.

       From all the above sections I found reasoning is very easy for me and also time taking.

       The interface of the test is very good and user friendly. We can switch from one section        to another in any time, but we have to click save before switching.

       Out of all only 28 students got selected in written and they asked these 28 students to        fill an application form which consists of basic data like academic details etc. In last        page it consists an essay writing of 200 words. We have to write about yourself in the        essay writing.

 Technical round:

       1) He asked me to write all the programming languages and databases I know on a        paper.

       2) What is encapsulation?

       3) What are different shells?

       4) How can you say that c is a procedure oriented language?

       5) What is a function?

       6) Explain the control flow of a program which consists of 5 functions?

       7) What is inline function and virtual function?

       8) Explain your project?

       ANS: I explained my project which I done on php.

       9) What is php?

       10) Why did u choose php for your project?

       11) Explain the tools, servers, databases used for your project.

       12) Write a query to retrieve the student data based on least five marks in a student        table.

       These are the questions asked for me and for most of the students interviewer asked        the concepts of DBMS and C programs like string reversing number sequences,matrix        multiplication and searching sorting techniques etc.

   HR Round:

       In HR round he asked the basic questions.

       1) Tell me about yourself
       while answering he read the essay which we wrote previously with application form.

       2) Why should I select you
       Me: I am hard worker…….

       Q:  I need smart worker.
       Me: till now I did hard work and from now I will do smart work.

       Q: What is the guarantee that you will do smart work
       Me: I said some of examples like my extracurricular activities etc.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Freshers Campus Inteview Pattern for Wipro/Honeywell

Freshers Campus Inteview Pattern for Wipro
     Hi Friends ,
                   In HoneyWell we had 4 rounds one is return(aptitude and C ) then we had conduct      technical interview followed by G.D then we had H.R. In the first time i was disqualified      in technical interview they just asked me some basic questions from C,JAVA, OS (which      took half an hour). Then once again i attend Honey well for Internship then the same      process took place then i had cleared all the rounds i got selected
            In the second company it was purely based on system programming so it was a      very tough process where we have 2 return exams one Aptitude and C then we have      second paper 5 programs out which we need to right 3 + 5 descriptive questions(c\C      and Unix) then i cleared this then there will be 3 technical interviews 3 days where i      cleared 2 rounds in the third round i was disqualified ..
          Here is the programs how they asked
               1) write a program to insert a node at rear end in double linked list?
               2) write a program to reverse the lined list?
               3) write a program to find substring using pointers?
               4) write a program for palindrome using recursion ?
               5) write a program for to find repeated letter in given file?
           some technical questions
               1. describe how procedure of c program -like compilation every thing...
               2.what is macro write a program to find largest b/w 3 elements by using                  macro?
               3.diff b/w in declaration and definition?
               4.tell memory structure allocation process and how it works?
               5.what is DMA? what it means?
               6. what is function pointer?
               7.what is difference b/w structure and union?
               8. write a program for conversion of little endian to big endian?
               9.what is splay tress and some question about tress?
              10.can u write a print a statement with out using print function ?
              11.They told me to write a program to find mid point of rectangle by just                  giving x1 x2 and y1 y2 ?
                                  And many ...
                 Then i attend WIPRO in our college it also same process like there will be return      ( Aptitude +C+Reasoning) then followed by essay topic which we need to write and the      topic is Innovation and Enterprenusnship in INDIA. Then we had technical it is bit tough      we need to prepare as we mentioned in our CV they asked me in all platforms like      C,Java ,n/w ,os ..then we had HR there also they askedme  about technical +HR ..
                For the freshers i am just suggesting you to know basic knowledge of C who all      are trying as freshers for SCJP certified guys its not a problem

Sunday 2 January 2011

Mphasis Written Test Pattern

        This is Haseena.I want to share my experiences in job search. In this post, I want to         share with you my interview process at Mphasis in Hyderabad.
        I received hall ticket from Mphasis to attend the off campus drive at CMRCET Engine-         ering college,Hyderabad on 21th December 2010.There was a Crowd of around 1000         candidates on that particular day.  
        It was a computer based written test conducted by AspiringMinds(AMCAT)which inclu-         ded 5 sections:
        1.English grammar and vocabulary ( 25 questions 25 mins ). It basically consists
        of synonyms,antonyms,fill the correct word, choose grammatical mistakes , arrange         the order of sentences and 2 passages.

        2.Quantitave analysis ( 25 questions 35 mins ).It Questions from Permutationan is         Combination,probability, simple and compound interest, few simple calculations (like         what's the value of 1.5^2 * 0.0225), etc.
        3.Technical programming (25 q 35 min). Mainly from Data Structures,basic questi
        ons were asked from stack, queue and tree and few questions from sorting algorithm
        (time complexity,etc).Also Some C codes were given and we have to find the error in         that and 1 or 2 ques from C++.

        4.Logical Reasoning (25 q 35 min). Blood Relations…………….
        5. Personal Ability (80 q 20 min).